Your support matters. Please consider making a donation.
We provide children and their families opportunities to engage in physical activities, wellness education, sports and Youth Workforce that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. Any amount, big or small goes a long way in this organization. All contributions are tax deductible. VIVE 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.
Ways to Donate:
King Soopers Community Rewards donates a percentage of your bill to ViVe Wellness. All you have to do is shop at King Soopers and swipe your SooperCard (or enter Alt ID).
How to Enroll: go to, sign in to your account, select Community Rewards, enter ViVe or YW779
Amazon Smile donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the charity of your choice. The same Amazon you know with the same products, same prices, same services but to generate donations, you must always shop at instead.
How to Enroll: go to, sign in or create an account, pick a charity, search ViVe, select ViVe (Youth Development)
ColoradoGives is a safe and trusted way to support non-profits. Every non-proft receiving a donation through ColoradoGives will receive a portion of the fund, increasing the value of every dollar donated.
How to Donate: go to, select Donate, pick a non-profit, search ViVe, select and donate.
PayPal has verified our charity. To donate through PayPal, please click the button below.
Direct Donation via Checks
ViVe Wellness
P.O. Box 11003
Denver, CO 80211